I was listening to If Everyone Cared by Nickelback. It's a great song, but this time the lyrics really hit me:
If everyone cared and nobody cried,
If everyone loved and nobody lied,
If everyone loved and nobody lied,
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride,
Then we'd see the day when nobody died.
It made me think about how much we care. A lot of us, if asked, would say that we care about just about everything: world hunger, AIDS in Africa and Asia, inequitable distribution of water, baby pandas, black footed ferrets, etc. It begs the question, does compassion = caring? Or is compassion even real if doesn't change the way we live our lives?
Then we'd see the day when nobody died.
It made me think about how much we care. A lot of us, if asked, would say that we care about just about everything: world hunger, AIDS in Africa and Asia, inequitable distribution of water, baby pandas, black footed ferrets, etc. It begs the question, does compassion = caring? Or is compassion even real if doesn't change the way we live our lives?
There are many Christians who do genuinely care about issues, people, and problems, but there are also many who are fooling themselves as to what caring is all about. This is what I have been learning lately.
Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." This is not easy! In the song, it mentions caring, loving, caring, and swallowing pride. I know I don't do all of these, but I want others to do them, because it will further the Kingdom of God, and bring generally good things to this world.
The other thing the song addresses is dying because of need. I can't imagine not having enough food and water to survive, or not having access to desperately needed medicine. It is truly a worthy cause to do something about this. I agree with Nickelback that if everyone cared for the needy and loved them, throwing their pride aside, there would be significant change and lives would be saved.
I'm tempted to say "and that would wonderfully complicate our overpopulation problems," but I suppose that would be insensitive, considering God did create each person that would be saved, and wants to know them just as much as anyone else. I think I just changed my mind on overpopulation :-P
P.S. 10 Points for the first person to comment with what the numbers and letters on the rainbow are.
If anyone wants more about caring, and needs to get their daily dose of nerding out, check this out:
isn't that a crack for something?
yes, but the question remains "a crack for what?"
So I didn't know... but it's not hard to find.
Here's What Wikipedia Says
I don't know if I should get any points for that.
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