But what does this matter to you? I want to enlighten you on the many aspects of the word eff arr eee eee.

A free clock on free wood

A free lamp
And its a just a way of looking at the world:

I saw a bike in a tree and my first thought was
"Sweet, a free bike!" I later sold it for $25 (Once
I was sure no one wanted it back).

Matt bringing back a free futon mattress for the
Chouch (defined by Urban Dictionary as
"combination of a chair and couch") project.

A recliner I saw out for bulk garbage pick-up. Now in 137.
As you can see, there are many parts of free-ness. If you discover any more, make a post about it!!
I hope you are all inspired to utilize free things so that you can save what you have and give it more freely.
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