Today was the most fun I have had in a long time. It was well-placed, too, because after a rough week I really needed it.
Here's a brief synopsis of my day:
9:45 am - wake up to Stefan Bukowski pounding on my door. We eat breakfast (Vanilla coke and yogurt) and get ready to go biking.
10:00 am - We go over to 189 to retrieve my old helmet. It's locked. LOCKED. we couldn't believe it. We checked windows until we found one that was open, and when we threw it open were greeted by an very unhappy-looking Brendan Lenz.
10:30 am - I went mountain biking at Dryer Park with three of my good friends. The trails were closed, so we rode around the recreation facilities, as well as a neighboring quarry.
2:00 pm - We grad some lunch at Wendy's. Three of us dare to take what we called the "Super Value Menu Challenge." This entailed three of us ordering the entire dollar menu for ourselves. The cashiers were in shock. Little old ladies came up and said "Are you really going to eat all those hamburgers?" Someone offered to take our picture. In a Wendys! Two of us finished the 8 elements of the value menu in the restaurant.
3:00pm - I pick Ed up to go get a bike off craigslist. Before I put the car in gear the owner calls to tell him it has already sold...
3:30 pm - Played CounterStrike: Source for an hour or so with my neighbor (I am not very good)
4:30 pm - Eric Parmland shows up for help working on his bike, and we screw around with that for a while.
5:30 pm - My neighbors in 137B invite me to go biking with them, and I cannot refuse! We went through multiple 1ft deep puddles (actually small lakes) and soaked our shoes, covering our bikes in mud. We came back, hosed them off, and lubed them, having good conversations.
8:00 pm - My neighbor all the way over in 139 brings me a single fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie. I couuld not have been happier.
8:30 pm - I am able to sit down and write on my blog, something I have wanted to do for MONTHS.
Praise God for each day he gives us! On days like this that is so easy... But let's make it a point to praise him on the days that is it so hard to do. Even on those days, we are so blessed.
I hope you have enjoyed the stories of the day. Imagine how many stories I have over a week! The picture is not of today... I will change it soon though!