Monday, December 22, 2008

The Winter Snow

My latest song is below. I wrote it when was delayed at RIT with nothing to do except the IV Christmas Party. 

The Winter Snow

I wrote this song while I was stuck,

Couldn’t drive home through the snow.

My family said “Just stay a while,

And come home when you’re clear to go”


All this time playing guitar,

It made me think of who we are.

Each one of us with his own will.

Are we just living for the thrill?


The winter snow keeps falling down

It blankets everything around

We’ve nowhere to go tonight

So let’s sit here and sing all night.


I wrote this song while I was stuck,

Couldn’t drive home through the snow.

Probly should have bought a truck,

But you know, that’s just my luck…

I’m thankful for this time to play, 

Time to read and time to pray.

There’s someone watching over for us

But next time I’ll just take the bus.


The winter snow is falling down

Covering everything around

Tomorrow I’ll make my drive home

Long hours of lonely road

I’ll remember the winter snow

And how it didn’t let me go.


The winter snow is here.

The winter snow is here.

To play it (for those so inclined), make a G on your guitar, lift up your index finger and move your ring finger up one string. Then play the strings you are touching in eighth notes (you'll be on the 3rd fret). The progression is frets 8-3-5-1. You'll see that they sort of correspond with the melody.

Also, I have updated Zero to include links so that everyone can see what it's talking about. Check it out on the right sidebar. -->

Friday, December 19, 2008


The guys of 137A have created something unheard of. It's called Zero. 

Zero is a thing, like Craiglist Free, because everything on it costs 0 dollars. The concept is that we have lots of free things lying around that people might be able to use. There will be a whiteboard in our living room with the current list of available items, as well as sidebars on one or more of our blogs. 

With any luck what we have to offer can be of use to you, and it can help us about-to-graduate students out by saving space.

Check out the sidebar on the right for current Zero postings. Just contact me if you're interested in anything!

Friday, December 12, 2008

New Language

I am learning my first new language (the third I am familiar with) in 5 years. It's ASL! After 3 years at RIT, I knew next to none, but in the last three days I have learned enough to have whole conversations. It's a little unsettling when you meet a deaf student at the Crossroads and they are in shock that I've only been learning a few days.

I have come to one conclusion in the midst of this: only God could be responsible! It's been quite a humbling experience to be learning so quickly, when I have been forgetting all I learned for years. 

A little backstory: Three days ago I befriended an RIT student named Keith who is deaf. He is an older student, and his experience has been very helpful in my learning sign. He has actually taught sign at a community college before! He inquired about playing racquetball when he saw I was carrying a racquet, and we went from there.

It's been neat to see how God is using things like racquetball to accomplish so many things. If we pull off a deaf/hearing weekly racquetball game, hearing students will have an opportunity to make awesome friends and learn sign, deaf students will feel more a part of IV (I hope), and everyone will get the opportunity to play a game they like with awesome people.

Praise the Lord for this craziness!